This time, I talk about another loving friend - Espresso Coffee.
Before rendering my thoughts in words for it, lemme explain what espresso coffee is (ok if you know it, you still need to read it) and what it does.
Coffee connoisseurs call it the purest form of coffee, since its advent in 1435 (known as 'quawah'). It was able to defeat the other hit in the coffee arena, named on the robes of monks of the Capuchin order - Cappuccino.
What gives coffee its kick? Caffeine, of course. Caffeine is trimethylxanthine (C8H10N4O2). It's an addictive stimulant that operates in the brain the same way amphetamones, cocaine and heroin do (although caffeine is much milder than those drugs). Caffeine occurs naturally in a number of plants, including coffee beans. Your average 6-ounce cup of drip-brewed coffee contains 100 mg of caffeine.
If anyone of you visits a Starbucks some day, just try espresso italiano with cardamom. The heaven would be down there !
Please visit back for the poetic dose of coffee....I assure, it would be more kicking.
Good Blog!
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i'm too a die-hard coffee lover...
lukin fwd to read ur poem on coffee...
patialiano insanity 4d italiano coffee...[:D]
Mr. Chettiar, leave that dripping brown water and have the feel of real coffee :D
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